I did it last night -- the first time was a wipeout. I took in all my -1 energy regen buffs, with long cast times, hoping that the mirror would cast them and leave me alone. That didn't work, as the mirror buffed the snot out of itself, then wailed me with an axe. The second trip in I took - Healing Breeze, Balthazar's Spirit, Bane Signit, Divine Boon, and Heal AREA. The heal area was just hoping that if the mirror wanted to heal, it would choose that and at least heal me too.
I went in, the mirror had a bow (thankfully). I cast Balthazar and Boon on myself, then jammed Bane Signit everytime it refreshed. I used Healing breeze once, and just kept healing myself w/Divine boon. The fight lasted less than 2 minutes, and wasn't a close call at all.
My stats - 13 Healing Magic, 10 Divine, and I was using a crap wand that hit for 5-10. Just choose your skills carefully, and keep trying. It really depends on what weapon the mirror comes in with.